
The gallery

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The gallery

All works by the artist Jhon Rusk for those interested, can seen and buy at the gallery "The best Art & Art" of Lecco, Via Mascari # 65B. It is a space exhibition designed, created and led by the artist Lucio Boscardin, to enhance the talent and creativity of young or old italian artists and promote their integration into the art market. The gallery aims to bring to attention their projects, follow the display lines, increase their validity through national exhibitions, cultural encounter, debates and projections.

Permanent artists

Stefania Rusconi, Graziano Ferrari, John Rusk, Sergio Rossi, Eulalia Allevi, Nando Belmondo.

GulfArtInt Lecco
GulfArtInt Lecco
GulfArtInt Lecco
GulfArtInt Lecco
GulfArtInt Lecco
GulfArtInt Lecco
GulfArtInt Lecco